Part 44: New Parm NPC Chatter 8
Welcome back!

: Is that right, Mister? You never liked him?

: Well, I once respected him. But that was a very long time ago. Hey, look at the gorgeous sunset! People change, the world goes on, but the sunset is forever beautiful. I'm glad I was born in New Parm.

: Hey, old man. It's still daytime.

: A fight for the one you love. I know that love always fights to win!

: C'mon, it's not like that. Oh well, if you say so. Everyone's all worked up about it.

: Huh? Isn't that right? It seems to me that you two are meant for each other. ♥

: No, that's not it, actually.... I don't know what to say, Justin.

: Huh? Well, um... Heh heh heh... I guess I don't, either.

: Hello! Feena! Thank you for rescuing my daughter. Thank you!

: I wonder when that was.... Oh yeah! It was when Feena risked her life to save a little girl.

: Ha ha ha! You're exaggerating! It was no big deal. The monsters fled as soon as I got there.

: Well, I've heard rumors that Pakon caught you. Is that right?

: I should have been more careful. But SOMEONE here risked his life to rescue me!

: Heh heh. Now you're exaggerating! Hey, it was no big deal! Nothing unusual!

: Please come visit and see my daughter. She'd be so happy to have you. We'll be waiting for you, Feena!

: Yeah, I know, but with that crowd, I just couldn't handle tossing the bouquet.

: Oh, I see. I guess it was hard for you.

: Well, no bouquet for me, too bad. But I want you to toss it straight to me when you and Justin get married!

: Ha ha ha! No way! Uh oh, looks like I've given everyone the wrong impression.

: I wonder when the next wedding'll be. I'll catch the bouquet at that one. ♥

: My type, hm...

: Hey? Just a minute... Justin, why are you listening in on this?

: Aa! I've been found out!

: My type, hm.... I guess someone who would risk his life to rescue me. Yeah, that's it.

: W-well, in that case....

: Oh! Hi Feena! ♪ I saw you in your wedding gown. I was wondering, why'd you hide your mouth?

: Well, I was forced to marry Pakon. I don't care to recall such things.

: Yes, of course, I want Pakon to be blessed with happiness. Really.

: Father, stop teasing me!

: We're going on an adventure together. A REAL adventure. Right, Justin?
Literally every wedding I have been to has had someone compare marriage to an adventure. Just wanted to point that out.

: So when are you getting married? Oh, I know! You should be married on the day of the Carnival, no? The whole town would celebrate it! ♪ Everyone'll dance 'till they drop! That'd truly be a dream wedding party to the people of this town! ♥ I can tell that your ambiance has changed quite a bit since coming here. It must be Feena's influence. ♥

: Feena's leaving town? ♪ REEAALLY? Wouldn't she rather wait 'til after the Carnival? ♪ If she misses out on my singing,♪ she'll regret it for the rest of her life, don't you KNOOOOW? ♪

: But don't you see? We're just sooo ♪ excited about going on an adventure! ♪

: Puff! Puff! ♪

: Oh my my, that's toooo bad♪. Well, some day please come hear me sing my song! ♪

: Yes, when we're baaack from our ♪ adventure, see ya at the Carnivaaal! ♪

: What? Oh no! I got a sunburn! Look, my skin has started to peel. Now it's going to get all splotchy. Oh, what'll I do? My beautiful skin!
I'm not quite sure how you spontaneously say something like that in unison.

: Ah! It moved! I dunno, it's kinda scary to me.

: Justin, what are you talking about? Jeez, guys just don't understand what a happy feeling this is.

: Heh heh. And the baby is very happy, too! It's moving around more than usual!

: You're right! A happy little one!

: Puff! Puff puff!

: My, look here. It's Feena-- here, in person! How exciting! Oh, that reminds me! We're expecting a grandchild, and we'd like you to be the godmother.

: You... you want me to name your grandchild? I don't know why, but that makes me nervous.

: We just know that you will come up with a good name. Please think about it. We hope you'll do it.

: One exception, though-- the President.
I... guess I can see it?

: Huh? I'm Feena! Have you forgotten who I am? Remember, you used to tell me stories of when you were young. The battle of the young adventurer and the pirate girl! I loved that one!

: The young adventurer and the pirate girl? Well, that must be...

: Lilly! You're so pretty! You've hardly changed over the years! You still look as strong-willed as ever! (mumble mumble)

: He'd just have to watch out for those heavy clams.

: Oh, it's Feena! I keep hearing rumors about you. Sounds like you're hanging in there. Me, my legs have gone bad, so I can't go out on any more adventures. But my thoughts will be with you guys.

: I love hearing your stories. Your stories are so much fun to hear. Wish I had an imagination like yours.

: Yeah, I think you'd be a great novelist!

: A novelist? Hey, I'm not very good at thinking up stories.

: You don't need to. Just put your adventure stories into a book so everyone can read them.

: But you didn't have to do all that. I was just thinking that it'd be better if she were President of the Adventurers Society instead of Pakon. Hey, Feena. Why not start now. It's not too late. Would you be President?

: Me? President? There's no need for it. As it is, people can go on any kind of adventure they want. Isn't it enough?

: Oh, any kind of adventure they want? I guess I somehow forgot. Of course. Of course.

: My, I'm so envious of you, surrounded by two such lovely young ladies. Wow, beauties on either side.

: You can say that again! Justin is one lucky guy!

: That actress from the big city, she's so stylish and pretty. ♥ Just watching her gives me ideas of how to tickle a man's fancy. I'm lucky to work here! Take a good look and maybe you'll learn something. ♥
Well, at least she has a good sense of humor about it.

: Yoo-hoo, Miss MILK! She's like a lovely flower blossoming on stage. Aren't you enchanted? I'll bet you're dying to join Miss Milk's fan club, aren't you?

: Mi... Miss Milk's fan club?
Years later, Crisis Core would look at this game and decide that the fan clubs sounded like a fun sidequest.

: Sounds sorta fishy, doesn't he?

: It's not at all strange that so many people have been smitten by Miss Milk's charm!

: Hmm... I know how I can stay near Miss Milk and also earn some money. What if I... became this actress' bodyguard? I'd always be by her side. In fact, I'd have the best seat in the house! Hey YOU! Customers must stay away from the stage.

: Hey, old man! Don't look at her like that!

: Miss Milk is the prettiest girl. Hey YOU! Customers must stay away from the stage.

: This is just what I wanted to see! A man comes and steals the bride from the wedding. Ah, how romantic! Huh! What are you guys doing here!? You were the bride, you the bandit, and you were his sidekick!

: A bandit! A bandit, you say! Look, Pakon was the kidnapper!

: That's right! That's right!

: ...... Huh?

: Me, his sidekick? Really, now!

: Bandits, whatever. What's it matter? Look, you two are married, right? Let's have a toast to the newlyweds!

: No, we're not married. But nobody will listen to me, so what can I do.

: Without a pass, you can't go on any more adventures. Oh! Oh... my Feena! Come baaaack!

: No one tells the wind where to blow. This pass cannot bind the soul of an adventurer. Goodbye, everyone! Tomorrow, I will be like the wind. I will decide where to blow!
Bah, they call that a performance? Not nearly enough kung-fu fights.